June 10, 2009

Bursting From The Chest Instead Of The Womb

I know in my last post I said that I would maybe talk more about Snow Dead, but I shall save it for either later or tomorrow, because my post 'Zombie Nazis, Angry Veterans, and Mind Controlling Aliens' I mentioned the movie/novel Dream Catcher which btw is by Stephen King. It really got me thinking about the 'Alien' movies which now I just really fell like typing about, so here I go!!!

To me 'Alien' a.k.a. the first movie, was really good. And that is about all I can say about it, because no one likes a positive review. I can also say the same thing for the sequel 'Aliens' which is quite clever. Because you see in the first one there was only one alien hence the name. In the sequel there are multiple aliens(if you were next to me I'd be bumping you with my elbow and saying 'hah, hah')

Right, now down to what everyone wants to read: the negative reviewing:

Do you remember the clever titles I told you about in the second paragraph, well form the third film on they were replaced with numbers and cliche subtitles. Hell I can't blame them, what were they going to call the third one? 'More Aliens' or 'Alienses'? I guess they just ran out of fucking ideas, but seriously what the fuck is wrong with just the number, why the cliched fucking subtitle. I think I only need to tell you one thing so that you would know this movie is bad: That bitch that played the protagonist from all the bloody Resident Evil films iis the main character in this film.

And on a side note AVP1 was okay and at least enjoyable, but AVPR(Another ass subtitle) is just fucking stupid!!!

Goodnight and Good Luck.

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