July 30, 2009

Riaru's Reviews: Final Fantasy III

Yes Final Fantasy III, game that has been occupying a lot of my time lately. I guess it is pretty addicting for me to have stayed up two nights in a row playing it. So yes onto the story of FF3.

The basic story is: the main character Luneth falls down a hole in a cave. After completing the first dungeon you meet the first crystal, and he tells you that you are one of the chosen ones along wiht three other characters: Arc, Refia, and Ingus.(you meet them all fairly early) Then must go on an epic quest to free the remaining crystals and restore the light to their world. So yes this is the plot in a nutshell, very basic but it does what it has to to set free to explore dungeons. The characters have some hint at personality.

The gameplay as with most of the FF games is turn based battles. In combat it is very simple you use the d-pad to select a command and "A" to input. It controls like most turn based RPGs usually do, not bringing too much more to the table. However, the real diversity lies in the job system. In which you may pick the class as some would put it of each of the four party members. The default job "Freelancer" is pretty crap. "Freelancers" can use low level weapons, armor, and spells. But the jobs later like: White Mage(healer), Black Mage(attack magic), Summoner(can use summons), Ranger(Archer) and so forth. In case you are curioud my party usually consists of a knight, black mage, white mage, and monk.

The graphics are quite good, especially by DS standards, honestly this looks as good as Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword and The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. That and the visual style and designs of characters and monsters is pretty good as well. Sorry not as much to say here. :)

In closing the game should take most players about 10+ hours to complete, meaning it is a fairly average length RPG. And is good to take on the go. I would reccomend it to FF and RPG fans alike.

Good night and good luck.

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